Board of Community Relations

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City of Kettering Board of Community Relations
Purpose:  To promote and encourage the creation and maintenance of an inclusive community by fostering equal opportunities and respect for all persons.
Proclamation:  Kettering is home to people with varying backgrounds, incomes, religions, ethnicities, ages and experiences. It is a community that strives to be a welcoming, safe place where everyone feels valued. The City of Kettering denounces racism in all its forms. Beyond merely acknowledging the history and existence of racism in the United States, we continue to focus on strengthening equity in our local institutions, policies and programs. We affirm a commitment to anti-racism, fairness and justice for all of our citizens, neighbors and visitors.
See the City of Kettering’s proclamation denouncing racism here
Meets: 3rd Monday Term: 3 years

Board of Community Relations

Meets: 3rd Monday Term: 3 years
Term Expires
Tawana Jones
Gwen Owen , Chairperson
LaSue Juniel
Cathi Spaugy
Bill Tschirhart, Vice Chairperson
Vicki Colon
Hiren Patel, Secretary
Angela Rahman, Staff Liaison &  Amy Hayslip, Staff Liaison
Bryan Suddith, Council Liaison
Activities and Programs
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