Community-Oriented Policing
What is Community-Oriented Policing?
Community-Oriented Policing (COP) is a philosophy whereby members of the police department establish partnerships with members of the community with the purpose of identifying and solving problems affecting the quality of life in their neighborhoods, utilizing any and all available resources.
This philosophical approach does not take away from the traditional response to crimes in progress. The intent of COP is not to turn police officers into social workers. By creating an effective partnership with community members, officers are more effective in solving crime and prosecuting criminals.
What is a COP Project?
A COP project is an active response to solve a problem within a neighborhood. This response includes involvement of citizens and local organizations. A police officer is designated as coordinator for each project and will act as facilitator in the problem-solving efforts.
COP Project Process:
Recognition of a problem by officer, citizen, City Council/City Manager or City employee.
Project initiation form completed by officer and sent up the Chain of Command.
Interdepartmental personnel, outside agencies and concerned meet to formulate a plan of action.
Once approved, the plan is implemented.
Ongoing project maintenance including evaluation and review of effectiveness will be conducted by all parties assigned to project.
If you have ideas for COP projects or have questions regarding this program, please call:
Lt. Moore at (937) 296-3335 – Community Relations
Capt. Price at (937) 296-2565 – Operations / Patrol