
About the Finance Department
The Finance Department administers the city budget and all city finances.
These responsibilities include:
• Budget
• Centralized Purchasing
• Financial Planning and Reporting
 Income Tax
• Payroll
• Treasury of City funds
The Finance Department manages more than $91 million annually.
The Finance Department has been honored for 41 years with The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and for 39 years with The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.
The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is awarded to governmental entities whose Annual Comprehensive Financial Report achieves the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. Here is the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is presented to governmental entities that publish a budget document which meets program criteria as a policy document, an operations guide, a financial plan, and a communications medium.
View the City’s 2025 Budget document. (Please note: Information in the budget document has not been updated for subsequent budget revisions as approved by Council since the original appropriation)
 For more information call: (937) 296-2401
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