Ghent Road Bridge Replacement Project
Status Updates:
December 21, 2017: The Ghent Bridge is now opened. The railing will be installed in January 2018.
November 30, 2017: The project is in it’s finals stages of construction. The bridge should be completed and opened to traffic by mid-December.
November 10, 2017: The new bridge structure is now in place, work continues on the replacement of water lines. The project is on target to be completed by the end of December.
October 5, 2017: This project began on Monday, October 2 and will take approximately three months to complete. The road will be closed at the bridge, but it will have access to the residents that live on Ghent Avenue.
September 25, 2017: Please be advised that the City is planning to remove and replace the existing bridge on Ghent Ave between Galewood Street and Purdue Drive. The contractor is planning to start either later this week, or the first part of next week. This work will require this section of roadway to be closed. The work is anticipated to take approximately 2 months to complete. A letter was sent out to residents.
Project Limit:
Ghent Road located between Galewood Street and Purdue Drive.
Project Description:
This project will involve the replacement of an existing bridge structure that carries Ghent Avenue over the South Branch of the Little Beaver Creek. The existing structure will be replaced with a single-span pre-cast three sided culvert. The project will also include the removal and replacement of the existing concrete curb, walk and the asphalt road 50′ before and after the bridge. Montgomery County will be replacing the existing water main under the bridge. Adjustment of the existing utilities for the placement of the new structure will also be included.
Sturm Construction Inc.
2596 Wapakoneta Ave
Sidney, OH 45365
Bid Results:
City of Kettering Contact
Project Engineer: Chad Ingle, P.E., P.S.