Kettering Demographics
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Location: Montgomery County, Ohio, five miles south of Dayton
Land area:
18.4 square miles, (School District, 28 square miles)
39 degrees, 42 minutes, 15 seconds north
84 degrees, 10 minutes, 15 seconds west
57,862 according to the 2020 census
Annual budget:
Number of City employees:
400 full-time
Number of Sworn Police Officers:
Number of Career Firefighters and Paramedics:
Number of Volunteer Firefighters:
Sister Cities:
Steyr, Austria; Kettering, England
Miles of Streets:
Housing Units:
The City of Kettering has 27,602 housing units.
Businesses and Employers:
Approximately 1,700
16 major shopping areas in the city with nearby access to two major regional malls and downtown Dayton
Kettering is located five miles south of Dayton, which is near the center of the Miami Valley River Valley. Kettering is in a “moderate” climate region. The highest elevation in Kettering is 1,090 feet above sea level; the lowest elevation is 750 feet; and the mean elevation is 920 feet. Precipitation — which is rather evenly distributed throughout the year — and moderate temperatures help to make the Miami Valley a rich agricultural region. High relative humidity during much of the year causes some discomfort to people with allergies. Temperatures of zero or below will be experienced in about four years out of five. Extreme temperatures are usually of short duration. The downward slope of about 700 feet in the 163 miles of the Miami River may have some moderating influence on the winter temperatures in the Miami Valley.
The average last occurrence of freezing temperatures in the spring is mid-April, while the average first occurrence in the autumn is late October. Cold, polar air flowing across the Great Lakes causes much cloudiness during the winter and is accompanied by frequent snow flurries. These add little to the total snowfall.
Churches: Most Protestant denominations and Roman Catholic houses of worship. A Jewish synagogue is located on Rahn Road at Marshall Road in adjoining Washington Township.
Taxes: Automobile registration: $43.25
Property tax: $85.25 per $1,000 valuation (before reduction factors)
City income tax: 2.25 percent of income earned