Mayor's AwardLogo

Established in 1983, the Mayor’s Award for Volunteer Service honors outstanding volunteers who are making valuable contributions to the community through volunteer service in a wide variety of categories such as health, recreation, arts, environment, education, public safety, civic service, or human service. Recipients of this award must either be a resident of Kettering, or the volunteer service must be performed in Kettering. The volunteer activity can be in a structured setting or on an informal basis. Groups are also eligible to apply. Awards are presented by our mayor at a city council meeting in April during National Volunteer Week. One adult and one youth are honored with an award.

 - Nominations are closed for the 2025 Mayor's Award
- The Kettering Volunteer Advisory Council will review applications and notify the winners by March 24, 2025
- Awards will be given on April 8, 2025 at the Kettering City Council Meeting

If the volunteer is 12 through 18 years of age, select the youth nomination form below. If the volunteer is 18, only use the youth form if they are still in high school.
If the volunteer is 18 years of age or older, select the adult nomination form below. If the volunteer is 18, only use the adult form if they are graduated from high school.

Meet our 2024 Mayor’s Award Winners

Mayor’s Award for Youth Volunteer Service

Sophia Shenk                                                                  

Sophia Shenk, Youth Mayor's Award Winner

Sophia is a senior at Alter High School who has been highly involved as a volunteer, both in her school and throughout the community. She graduates in May, and plans to attend Miami University majoring in Political Science.

Some of Sophia’s volunteer work has been contributed to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, St. Vincent de Paul, Learning Tree Farm, Girls Scouts, as an Alter Student Ambassador, as a Hope Squad peer facilitator, and as Co-Chair of the Key Club among others. During her high school career, Sophia has volunteered over 400 hours all while maintaining an impressive 4.2 GPA while taking AP and Honors classes.

Mayor’s Award for Volunteer Service (Adult)

Peggy Spencer

Peggy Spencer,  Adult Mayor's Award Winner

Peggy Spencer has been a longtime volunteer at Greenmont Elementary School. When her son and grandchildren attended Greenmont, Peggy actively volunteered with the PTA, coordinating fairs, fundraisers, and prepared Friday Folders. Although her son and grandchildren have long-since left Greenmont, Ms. Peggy still happily and tirelessly prepares daily and weekly materials for teachers. She creates folders, makes books and booklets, staples packets, sharpens the paper cutter, un-jams the copier, laminates, cuts out letters, shapes, and pictures, and hand-delivers finished items to classrooms. She often takes projects home to complete, collects recycling throughout the building, helps in the cafeteria, sooths nervous students on picture day, and even assists with kindergarten registration. In fact, Ms. Peggy is such a familiar smiling face to students at Greenmont, that many students lovingly call her "Nana."

In addition to all the volunteer work she does for the teachers, students, and staff daily at Greenmont, she is also the sole caretaker for her aging father, and manages his appointments, household repairs, and meals.

AnnaBelle Hacker Alter High School student and President of Key Club. AnnaBelle has volunteered over 150 hours of her time. She has volunteered in Appalachia, coached youth volleyball, volunteered at the Habitat Environmental Center, promoted the GEM Project as a member of Hope Squad. AnnaBelle was a leader on the senior retreat and has given many hours to Key Club activities.
Al Fullenkamp Former Assistant City Manager and City Engineer of the City of Kettering, Al still continues to serves his city. Al enjoys a role as a mail courier, collecting & delivering batteries for recycling, staying active with the Great Miami River Watershed Project, and serves on the RTA Board of Trustees. In addition, Al serves as the chair of the Kettering Sister Cities Committee and is a member of the Kettering Development Corporation.
Chloe Adkins Indian Riffle Elementary School student; Chloe Adkins has volunteered for Kettering Backpack Program for four years making countless bags for those in need. Chloe created an initiative called Kind Cakes which provided cake supplies to families in need with which to celebrate birthdays. She was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma and continued volunteering. With a clean bill of health, Chloe began organizing blood drives in response to blood shortages.
Karen Sejas Former HR Manager for the City of Kettering has volunteered more than 2,300 hours since her retirement. Karen assists the Human Resource Department and Administrative Systems. She scans and files countless records to ensure City archives are in perfect condition.
Tahjey Lawson Kettering Middle School student; collected and donated baby items to Hannah’s Treasure Chest; serves as secretary and soon to be Governor of Ohio District for Junior Optimist Int’l; prepare personal care items for front line pandemic responders; created cards for veterans and made blanket for the homeless
Sue Solvig Scheduled rides for the senior transportation program at the Lathrem Senior Center during the pandemic; made calls to check on seniors during the pandemic, and built a rapport with callers struggling with isolation
Sasha Whitaker Fairmont High School, Dayton Honor Flight, SICSA foster, planning committee in Dayton Walk to Defeat ALS, student  council member, volunteered at the Kettering Early Childhood Education Center
Rick Moreton Helping with the city’s Christmas Day Open House at Polen Farm,greeting guests at Fraze Pavilion, and assisting visitors at the Kettering Connection
Lauren Dalton Dayton Regional STEM School, Girl Scouts, Preschool camp at Boonshoft Museum and instructs gymnastics for young children at South YMCA
Sue Ellen Boesch Kettering Arts Council, PRCA Advisory Committee, Art on the Commons, UD Libraries Advisory Committee
Theodore Hale Fairmont High School, assists Main and Central Unit offices at school, Fairmont Unity Garden, helps with Holiday at Home float, assists an older gentleman recovering from cancer regain strength
Damian Foster Sinclair Community College/Fairmont High School, office assistant, assists a Fairmont Industries student through the Buddy System
Andrew Waker Alter High School, Key Club, assists with various activities with Dor-Wood Optimist Club, helps with Down’s syndrome children and adults, numerous fundraisers for St. Vincent De Paul and March of Dimes
Bill & Marynel Bradley Christmas Day at Polen Farm, Speed Watch, Neighborhood Watch, Compost Cops, Holiday at Home, Kettering Noon Optimist Club
Elizabeth Janess  Alter High School, Key Club, Kettering and Dayton Children’s Hospital, Mission trips to Guatemala, Summer Bible Camps, Peer Minister
Zach Lawhorn Kettering Middle School, Art Club Buddies
Kalliope Bessler KMS, Hannah’s Treasure Chest, serving food at St. Vincent’s Soup Kitchen Greek Festival and the Oktoberfest, teaching children weekly at church
Courtney Hemmelgarn Fairmont High School, Peer Mediator, Tutor at Indian Riffle, The House of Bread, Clothes that Work, assists elderly neighbors with yard work at Central Presbyterian Church – youth group leader, sings in the choir, helps in the nursery and assists with Vacation Bible School
Emily Herting Fairmont High School
Allie Smith Alter High School
Rachel Ramey Oakwood High School – Christ United Methodist Church
Meagan Burian Alter High School
Jessica Wuensch Fairmont High School, MLK & Kettering Youth Council
Jordan Hibner Alter High School Key Club, We Care Arts 7 Juvenile Diabetes
Chuck & Carol Dickerson Neighborhood Pride
Alic Brock Fairmont High School, Dayton Street Ministry
Emily Fleitz MLK Breakfast & Fairmont United Student Body
Lauren Ignozzi Senior/Senior Prom, Alter Key Club
Caroline Smith Fairmont High School Student Council, Greenmont Oak-Park Food Pantry
Catie Gmeiner Alter Key Club & SADD
Kyla Morgan Young Fairmont High School, Radio Director WKET
Alan and Mary Kay Feller Christ United Methodist After School Program
Opal Leo CIL, City of Kettering
Ralph Andrews City of Kettering, Disabled Swimming Program
Alter Key Club 60 Non-Profit Organizations
Amber Mitchell Fairmont High School, Junior Optimist
Ashley Timmons Fairmont High School, DECA, National Honor Society
Dr. Goodwin Boy Scout Troop 236
Larry Schlea City of Kettering Volunteer Program
Tyler  Back Fairmont High School, WKET-FM
Katie Scocozzo Fairmont High School, National Honor Society
Erin Vannatta Alter High School peer Ministry
Zac Sideras Fairmont High School, Kettering Youth Council
Fairmont Industries Plant Flowers, One Lincoln Park
Jean Collins CIL Nutrition Program, City of Kettering
Nicole Van Scyoc KMS, Safety Village
Frances Rasnake Kettering Medical Center
STAND Students Taking a new direction
Robert Spaulding Initiated and manages volunteers who restore artifacts at the U.S. Air Force Museum at WPAFB
John McClelland City of Kettering, Vehicle Maintenance Center
Ron Wilson City of Kettering P&D, Fraze, Scrapbook
Katybeth Mannix Van Buren Middle School, Power of the Pen & City of Kettering
Bob Barr(posthumously) Community activities far too numerous to mention
Alter High School Key Club A variety of activities in the community including help with cleaning up parks, collecting food for the needy, working with youths, helping with seniors and raising money for various charities.
Matt Deppen Donated extensive services for the construction of the State Farm Park concession stand as well as volunteered for EKRC and Holiday at Home
Anita Rankin Extensive volunteer service with the American Red Cross for more than 25 years,  specially excellent work with the  International Relief and Development Program.
Fairmont High School National Honor Society 67 seniors donate hundreds of hours in a variety of ways,including tutoring students.
Bill Greger Extensive volunteer work with KPD and Con 21 rescue. As well as televising City Council meetings and a variety of activities for The Maria Joseph Council of the Knights of Columbus.
Bill Spencer Many activities including work at the DePaul Center, St. Vincent Hotel, Franciscan Medical Center, K of C and Sister City.
Dottie Cromer Extensive volunteer service for the South Community YMCA, including administrative work, organizing events and helping with The Indian guide/princess program
Sarah Hoskinson Many activities at Van Buren Middle School, including student Council president, junior optimist co-president, peer tutoring, fund raising and activities at Far Hills Baptist Church youth group
Edmund Trissell Donated countless hours photographing all major events of the Kettering-Moraine Historical Museum and provided all materials for their photographic library free of charge.
Lucille Graham A variety of volunteer activities through Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and in the community
Kettering Council of PTA s Establishing and maintaining the Kettering Clothing Room
Vipul and Disha Patel Outstanding students involved in many leadership and extra-curricular activities at Fairmont High School and active in community organizations
Citizen Police Academy Alumni Organization a volunteering group to assist the Kettering Police Department in a multitude of ways.
Dor-Wood Optimist Club Extensive volunteer activities with area youth
Carey Roth Many activities at Fairmont High School and in the community including SADD
Genny Cook Extensive service as an City of Kettering volunteer and at Christ United Methodist Church
Youth Sports Organizations
  • East Kettering Recreation Club
  • Kettering Amateur Baseball Commission
  • First Kettering Athletic League – Baseball
  • Fairmont Wee Firebirds
  • First Kettering Athletic League – Football
  • Kettering Soccer Club
  • South Dayton Figure Skating Club
  • Dayton Bombers Youth Hockey League
  • Fairmont Hockey Club
  • Firebird Futures
  • Kettering City Swim Team
  • Kettering Delco BMX Association
Noreen Long Kettering Jaycee activities and Holiday at Home concessions
Nikki Van Nest Many activities at Fairmont High School and related Projects
Janet Bolton Sister City activities
Jean and Paul Shank Coordinate Fraze volunteer ushers and work with  Neighborhood Pride Awards Committee
J. Richard Lawwill Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, Parks Foundation
Jon Moodie Youth Service Award, Eagle Scout Projects
Bonnie and Ed Anderson English as Second Language Program in Kettering Adult School
Kettering Fairmont AfterProm Committee Providing a safe activity for youth after the prom
Nat Goff Heartland of Kettering Nursing Home
Ruth and Lloyd Grodrian Kettering-Moraine Museum and Historical Society
Barbara Clark Kettering Morning Glories Adult Skating Team
Dale Neibert Boy Scouts, Kettering YMCA, education
Melinda Brewer Youth Service Award, tutors handicapped students
Walter Pettit Sister City, Kettering-Oakwood Exchange club tutors
Kettering and Suburban Senior Citizens Provide one day of recreation to 1,000 seniors per month plus other activities
Bill Albery Volunteer firefighter, Youth Baseball
Dan DeBrosse Youth Volunteer, Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Lucille Bollinger C,I.L.,  Nutrition, Bingo
Richard Crandall Miami Valley Boy Scouts Council, Habitat for Humanity
Linda George Neighborhood Pride
Harold Trigg Kettering Amateur Baseball Commission
Katherine Quinlan Developmental Center for Handicapped
Pat Mastbaum Holiday at Home, many City committees
Adopt-a-Family Program DESC employees
Dale Kress Christmas Day, many City committees
John Wurst Technology Assistance Panel, delegate to RTA
Paul Doty Kettering Sister City, Kiwanis Club
Jean Armstrong Kettering – Moraine Museum, many City committees
Betty Huden City Volunteer in Planning and Police Department
Miriam Leonard FISH – Education – Hunger
Jerry Barnett Education, Dorwood Optimist, many City committees
Glenn Compton Uncle Sam, many City committees
Michael Schumacher Volunteer firefighter – trains recruits
Donald Hibbs Kettering Sister City, Rotary Club - Kettering/Moraine Museum
Joe McCloud Dorwood Optimist, Kettering YMCA, Oak Creek Church
Chester Roush  School Board/many City committees
Walter Hush Volunteer firefighter paramedic education
Eleanor Fariello Holiday at Home, Kettering Parks Foundation
Tom Spettel Boy Scout Leader/Trainer (National)
Earle Bates City of Kettering volunteer for Police Department
George Lehman Involved in many community activities
Arlone Campigotto  Volunteer tutor in Public Schools
Robert Rohr Volunteer firefighter
Paul Hendrickson Beautification Committee
Virginia Kress Beautification, Volunteer committees, Christmas Day
Danny Combs Volunteer firefighter/coach and bus
James Earl Jones Cable TV
D.P&L Lighting in Parks by Volunteers
William Webb Kettering YMCA – soccer in junior high
Jane Shimmin Girl Scout Leader at group home
Roger Kemp Youth Sports, Pee Wee Football Coach
Oleta Vorhis Provides Christmas dinners for Police and Fire
Rita Cookson PTA Council/clothing room
Valerie Andrews Chamber of Commerce
Virginia Tuvell Kettering Moraine Historical Society
Linda Courtney Channel 16/Fund raising
Thomas Farmer Kettering Sertoma, Kidney Foundation
Jane Jancauskus Development Center for Handicapped
Dres Fox/Nancy Allen Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Terry Schalnat Church/Christmas project
Alberta Prather Kettering and Suburban Senior Citizen – Pilot Club
Doris Hinders Development Center for Handicapped
Forest Stewart City of Kettering volunteer and Kettering Hospital
Paul Shartle Civic Band
Bernard Wannemaker Volunteer firefighter
Edward Fowler Youth Sports
Keith Prentice Andrea Bales/Clay Bates, Theatre Under Stars
Osa Reese Church, Senior Citizen, FISH
Janette Thomas Kettering Hospital
Robert Neitman RTA representative
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