Door to door solicitation is permitted in the City of Kettering.
Property owners are able to discourage door to door solicitors by posting a sign which is at least 3″ x 4″ in size that says “No Solicitors” in letters at least 3/4″ tall. If an unwanted solicitor approaches your property ignoring the sign, it is your responsibility to call the Kettering Police Department to report the incident.
A limited number of compliant “No Solicitors” window clings will be available for Kettering residents at the Kettering Government Center.
For individuals or businesses wishing to conduct door-to-door solicitation, we suggest you contact our Kettering Police Department to inform them what areas of the city you will be in so they are aware of your activities.
If at any time you feel your safety is in danger as a result of a door-to-door solicitor, please call 911.