For the week of Jan. 6 - Rumpke trash and recycling services are delayed one day due to inclement weather.  

Protection of Property

Flood Hazard
Some low-lying areas of Kettering are subject to flooding caused by water settling on flat areas and by overflow of the Little Beaver and Little Sugar creeks. Houses have been built along the stream channel in some areas, so that once the stream leaves its banks, it can quickly spread across back yards or parking lots and into basements of homes and commercial buildings.
In both 1959 and 1973, storms caused flood damage to Kettering homes. Damages from the 1973 storm were estimate at more than $800,000, of which $750,000 was to private homes.  Other areas, including Houk Stream, Penn Creek and the Moraine Drainage Stream continue to cause potential problems.
Protect your property
To help safeguard your belongings, follow these guidelines:
  • Elevate or relocate your electrical panel box, furnace, water heater or washer and dryer; place interior floodwalls around utilities.
  • Install interior and exterior backwater valves and basement floor drains.
  • If time permits, move essential items and furniture to upper floors in your home.
  • Keep materials like plywood, plastic sheeting and lumber handy for emergency waterproofing
Flood insurance
Standard homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover losses due to flooding. Kettering, however, is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program which enables you – the property owner – to obtain federally backed flood insurance.
Flood insurance can cover structural items which are permanently attached to the house including the furnace and/or contents. The actual cost will vary depending on the amount of coverage and the degree of flood hazard.  Although we encourage everyone living in the floodplain to safeguard their property and belongings with flood insurance, it is actually a requirement in some instances such as when purchasing a federally backed mortgage.
Mandatory Flood Insurance Purchase
Montgomery County Floodplain Information and Maps
FEMA FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map)
Substantial improvement requirements
Any additions, improvements and repairs done to buildings in the floodplain that equal or exceed 50 percent of the existing building’s value must be treated as a new building. Substantially improved or substantially damaged residential building must be elevated to or above the base flood elevation.
Floodplain development permit requirements
Permits are required prior to beginning any development in the floodplain whether commercial or residential. There are penalties when permits are not obtained or regulations met.  Please call the City’s Planning and Development Department at 296-2441:
  • Before beginning any type of ground disturbance or construction.
  • If you have any questions about permit requirements, including those concerning property protection or substantial improvements.
  • Or to report questionable conduct.
City of Kettering Codified Ordinances
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