Archives: FAQs

Do I have to use Rumpke for my trash service?

Yes, the City of Kettering has a single hauler trash program and is currently under contract with Rumpke Waste & Recycling for residential properties.  Residents should contact Rumpke directly at 1-800-828-8171 or visit to establish trash collection service.

About the Mayor

The Mayor is the chief elected official of the City and serves as its principal representative and spokesperson. Peggy Lehner is the Mayor of the City of Kettering, elected into office November 2, 2021. Peggy is a longtime Kettering resident and former Ohio Senator who previously served three terms on City Council.  Under her leadership, … Continued

How do I access veteran services?

Montgomery County Veterans Service Commission programs assist veterans with a wide range of programs.  Call (937) 225-4801 or visit for more information.

Do I have to use a Rumpke provided cart?

Yes. All service levels must use Rumpke provided carts. All material placed out for collection must fit in your Rumpke provided carts or a placed out as a bulk item as detailed in the Rumpke Flyer.  Rumpke will service up to three bulk items each week on your regular service day.

How can I watch Kettering public meetings?

Miami Valley Communications Council (MVCC) is a municipal communications and technology organization representing the eight member cities in the region, including Kettering. MVCC produces Kettering public access television programs and broadcasts Kettering public meetings. You can also access archived City Council Meeting video on the Mayor & City Council section of our website.

How can I watch Kettering public access television programs?

Miami Valley Communications Council (MVCC) is a municipal communications and technology organization representing the eight member cities in the region, including Kettering. MVCC produces Kettering public access television programs and broadcasts Kettering public meetings.

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