Small Cell Facilities
Design Guidelines
On August 1, 2018 the City of Kettering adopted Design Guidelines for Small Cell Facilities and Wireless Support Structures (“Design Guidelines”) to provide aesthetic requirements and specifications that all small cell facilities and wireless support structures must meet prior to installation in the City of Kettering right of way. These Design Guidelines were revised July 25, 2019.
The objective of the Design Guidelines is to strike a balance between preserving the character of the City of Kettering through careful design, siting, landscaping and camouflaging techniques to blend these facilities into their environment, while enhancing the ability of wireless communications carriers to deploy small cell facilities and wireless support structures in the City quickly, effectively, and efficiently so that residents, businesses, and visitors benefit from ubiquitous and robust wireless service availability.
View Design Guidelines for Small Cell Facilities and Wireless Support Structures
Operators wanting to install small cell facilities within the public right of way are required to obtain and keep an up-to-date Certificate of Registration with the City’s Engineering Department. There is a renewal fee associated with this permit. For further information go to Utility Companies page.
- A small cell provider shall have an up-to-date Certificate of Registration on file with the Engineering Department.
- A small cell provider shall have all registration fees paid to the Engineering Department.
- A small cell provider shall fill out a and submit a Micro Wireless Permit Application (MWPA) online by going to Access Kettering
- Electrical service for small cell facilities requires an Electrical Permit from Kettering’s Planning & Development Department. View information on obtaining an Electrical Permit.
View Micro Wireless Permit Application (MWPA)
Access Kettering Instructions for UTILITY COMPANY
Traffic Control
All Construction activities that take place in the City of Kettering right of way must follow the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD).
For questions email