On Wednesday, March 19 at 9:50 a.m., the City of Kettering will participate in the 2025 statewide tornado drill. 

FAQ Topic: Property & Housing

Are there restrictions on rental properties in the City of Kettering?

Rental properties must adhere to the same codes and standards as any other property in the City of Kettering. Rental properties located within the City of Kettering must be registered with Montgomery County through the County Auditor’s Office in downtown Dayton. To obtain registration forms or for further information, contact the Auditor’s Office at 937-225-4326 or … Continued

How do I report a potential property maintenance violation?

Online: Share a Property Maintenance Concern Or by Phone: The City maintains a Property Maintenance Hotline that is accessible 24 hours every day. The phone number for this hotline is 1-937-296-3286. During regular office hours, you can contact the Planning & Development Department at 1-937-296-2441.

How long is the permit valid, and when is it closed?

The permit is valid for six months from the time of issuance or the date of the last approved inspection, whichever is most recent. Expired permits require renewal or re-issuance with additional fees. The permit is closed when the final inspection is completed and the work is approved for compliance with the applicable codes. The … Continued

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