Frequently Asked Questions
How do I go about becoming a volunteer?
The first step is to complete an application. Once we receive your information we will contact you.
Select this link to complete an application
Must I be a City of Kettering resident to volunteer for the City of Kettering?
No, many of our volunteers are from surrounding communities. You need only have the willingness and desire to contribute to the success of the volunteer program.
How many volunteers are in the City of Kettering’s volunteer program?
Currently there are over 650 volunteers in our program.
Is there an age requirement?
Volunteers need to be at least 14 years of age, although some positions may require a minimum age of 16. We sometimes allow younger youth groups to assist with special projects providing an adult accompanies the group.
How will I be trained for a volunteer position?
Staff from the department in which you are volunteering will be responsible for training you for your assignment. Staff will be available to answer any of your questions.
Is there a dress code?
Volunteers are expected to dress neatly in clothes suitable for the job they are performing. If there is a specific dress code for the volunteer assignment, the volunteer will be notified.
Is there an orientation process for new volunteers?
The city staff person who will be your supervisor will orient you to your job.
I work during the day. Do you have a need for volunteers on weekends and in the evenings?
Yes, the city holds several special events throughout the year. Many of these are in the evenings and on weekends and require assistance from volunteers.
Does the city offer unpaid internships?
Yes, some volunteer positions throughout the city can serve as unpaid internships. The first step in this process is to contact the Volunteer Office at 937-296-2433 to discuss the requirements of your internship.
Can I specify the department in which I would like to volunteer?
Yes, if you would like to volunteer for a particular department, you can indicate this on your application form. When a position in the department becomes available, we will notify you.
May I volunteer for multiple departments?
Absolutely! Many of our volunteers work in several departments. For example, some of our volunteers work at Fraze Pavilion during the summer and assist in other departments during the winter months.
I reside in another state for a few months each year. Can I still volunteer during the months I am here?
Yes, just indicate this on your application.
Are background checks required to volunteer?
If you are 18 years of age or older, a background check will be conducted. Some volunteer positions, such as youth sports coaches, tax preparators, and drivers, also require fingerprinting.
How do I become a volunteer at Fraze Pavilion?
To become a volunteer at Fraze (or any department), you must complete a volunteer application and indicate it on the form.
What types of volunteer jobs are available?
Volunteers contribute time and talent in every department within the City of Kettering. Some assignments are weekly; others are handled on an “as-needed basis.”

Listed below are some of the volunteer positions and departments:
- Senior Center (transportation, musician)
- Office Assistant
- Parks Assistant
- Receptionist (various departments)
- Courier
- Youth Sports Coach
- Special Events Assistant
- Christmas Event Helper
- Open/Sort Mail
- Fraze Greeter
- Tax Assistant
Select this link to visit the Volunteer Opportunities page
What volunteer positions do you have available for youth?
Youth volunteers are needed during the summer at Kettering Recreation Complex, Rosewood Arts Centre, and Habitat Environmental Center to assist with camp activities. Youth volunteers must be at least 16 years of age, although volunteers as young as 14 may be considered after an interview process with staff. Throughout the year, our Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Department hosts several special events in which youth volunteers are needed. We also welcome the opportunity to work with youth groups wishing to provide service to the community. Please contact the Volunteer Office at (937) 296-2433 or to inquire about upcoming activities.